Songbird Top 40

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For those who are unfamiliar with songbird, it is a media player + web browser application based on the Mozilla core that allows you to play embedded music off of web pages, manage your music playlist, sync music to supported media players (via extensions), aggregate music from multiple web sources, purchase songs from various digital stores (iTunes, eMusic, and all the other usual suspects apply), as well as leverage the Web API of Songbird to create your own music gateway on your site. Yup, that same Mozilla engine that powers the crowd favorite Firefox browser.

I’ve been playing with the Songbird application since they released the Developer’s Preview of 0.2, which is now at version 0.4. As part of the 0.4 release, the team behind Songbird is hosting a Songbird Top 40 effort, in which developers attempt to port over the 40 most useful Firefox extensions over to Songbird. I threw my name into the hat and chose two extensions, PicLens and iMacros.

Editing popular extensions over to a new platform is thus far proving to be a bit challenging, especially in regards to the differences in content areas in Songbird versus the same in Firefox 2/3. Yet, it is a fun challenge, and I will be sure to update how the process goes as I continue along.

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