Nutritional Coaching
Professional coaches help you get the bag. I coach you on wellness so you can enjoy the bag you work hard for.
I'm very passionate about holistic wellness. Personal and professional. Across all 6 dimensions: physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, and environmental. And through my training, my goal is to promote wellness practices through client-centered coaching that allows you to become completely self-sufficient in knowing how to best care for your total health.
Why? Well, let's start with the educational background.
I'm certified with Precision Nutrition, as a Master Health Coach - meaning I've successfully completed certification as a Level 1 Nutrition Coach, and as a Level 2 Master Coach. I'm AED/CPR certified, and I'm currently pursuing my Strength and Conditioning certification with ISSA.
As far as overall credentials, I've led a career grounded in mentorship, coaching, and people development. I've spent over 20 years in software engineering, including the last 8 years as a people manager and leader. I've also taught multiple cohorts how to write software through UCLA, UC Berkeley, and University of Denver.
In short - I care deeply about helping others achieve their goals, and have many years of experience where my success is rooted in the success of others.
Why wellness?
Well, in this technological boom, we've focused a lot on how to "get the bag", or get the compensation you deserve for the coveted skills you've obtained. Now that a lot of us have got the bag, how do we ensure that we'll be in sustainable health long enough for us to enjoy the bag?
From the onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic, many people turned to working remote, either as a consequence of a public health crisis, or deliberately for your own personal life choices. While it brings about many positive attributes - lack of commute, more time at home, conveniently address everyday life things without having to juggle office time - working remote comes with its own set of challenges. Sedentary work styles, like sitting at a desk all day, become easier when you're doing it from the comfort of your own home. You may have walked to the get lunch every day when you worked in an office, but now, that lunch is much closer to you, or it gets delivered to you via one of our many convenience applications.
Working remotely, or hybrid?
I've been working remotely since 2017, in majority of the roles I've held since then. I had to unlearn a lot of the habits that I developed in order to make my commute bearable - I needed to reimagine them for a world where I work from the place where I also rest. I had to deliberately remember to move more often, because there's no longer a commute or an office to walk around. My favorite gyms were conveniently located near my places of work. All of a sudden, I needed to adopt a new routine that wasn't created around traveling to an office 5 days a week. I also needed to make sure I had space in my home that allowed me to focus and do my best work - and turn it off so I can live my life outside of work.
Combining this experience with my nutritional coaching training, I'm on a mission to help others find their practices, so that their home can be a place for productivity, but also for a sustainable personal life, full of good health and enjoyment.
I'll be opening a few slots for my next coaching cohort. I purposely keep them small so that I can focus on the results of the few, and build my practice sustainably.